- Are certain personality attributes antecedents to physical activity-exercise participation?
- Do certain personality attributes develop as a#consequence of physical activity-exercise participation?
Personality Defined
- Underlying, relatively stable, psychological structures and processes that organize human experience and shape a person’s actions and reaction to the environment – Individual’s unique but consistent psychological makeup
Structure of Personality According to Hollander, 1967
- Personality core o Developed form early environmental interactions
- Includes perceptions of external world and self, basic attitudes, values, interests, and motives
- Reflective of who we are; least amenable to change
- Typical responses to situations o Fairly predictable behaviors and reactions
- Role-related behaviors o Variable, daily behaviors influenced b the particular context we are in o Most easily changed
Approaches to the Study of Personality
- Biological theories
- Dispositional-trait theories
- Learning-situational approaches
Constitutional Theory – Somatotypes
- Individuals possess certain body types that predispose behavioral consistency o Ectomorph: Tense, introverted, inhibited o Endomorph: Affectionate, sociable, relaxed
o Mesomorph: Adventurous, dominant, aggressive, risk-taking
Person-Situation Debate
- Person perspective or trait approach: o Personality is derived from stable, enduring attributes that lead to consistent responses over time-situations
- Situation approach: o Behavior is best explained by individual’s reaction to environment
- Debate led to the interactionist#perspective to studying personality: o Both individuals and the situations in which they find themselves are important in determining behavior
Trait Theories of Personality
- Emphasis is placed on the person rather than on the situation or the environment
- Traits are thought to reflect motivational systems that increase adaptation to positive or negative stimuli
- Three related theories: o Eysenck’s personality theory o Cattell’s personality theory o Five factor model
Eysenck’s Personality Theory
- Relationships between traits create superordinate trait dimensions
- Extroversion-Introversion E o Neuroticism Emotionality -Stability N
- Psychoticism-Superego P
- Few people possess the traits that reflect the far ends of the dimensions
- Most people fall somewhere between the extremes
Eysenck’s Framework and Exercise
- Leads to specific predictions in exercise setting for extroversion and neuroticism o Extroversion: Exercise could lead to increased stimulation, and thus lead to adoption-adherence to exercise routine
- Neuroticism: Exercise might contribute to more stable, less neurotic personality
- Research shows that personality can change as a result of regular physical activity – reduced negative factors neuroticism and enhanced positive factors extroversion
Cattell’s Personality Theory
- Isolated 16 personality traits that he thought were the essential of personality
- 16 Personality Factor questionnaire 16PF – used in sport personality and exercise studies
- A major conceptual problem has been the difficulty in interpreting complicated findings
Cattell’s Personality Theory and Exercise
- Individuals with high levels of fitness have lower anxiety and neuroticism; greater emotional stability, placidity, and relaxation
- Individuals with lower levels of anxiety and neuroticism respond favorably to intense physical training vigorous exercise
The Five-Factor Model and Exercise Behavior
- Neuroticism: C Exercise adherence, – self-reported exercise, – adaptive exercise patterns, – advanced exercise stages, and + exercise dependence
- ExtraversionCIntroversion: + Moderate and strenuous exercise behavior, + self- reported exercise, + adaptive exercise patterns, + advanced stages, and + exercise dependence
- Openness to Experience
- Agreeableness: – Exercise dependence
- Conscientiousness: + Self-reported exercise, + adaptive exercise patterns, + advanced exercise stages
Exercise and the Big 5
- Limited research
- Extraversion and conscientiousness seem to be associated with positive exercise behaviors
- The key personality trait explaining exercise participation may be a sub-trait of extraversion called the activity trait
- The activity trait reflects a tendency to be busy, energetic, and to prefer fast-paced living
Intensity Preference and Tolerance
- Intensity preference is a predisposition to select a particular exercise intensity when given the opportunity
- Intensity tolerance is a trait that influences one’s ability to keep exercising at an imposed level of intensity even when the activity becomes uncomfortable – Both constructs are associated with fitness level and exercise enjoyment
Coping in Sport and The Big Five
- No relationship between the Big Five and stressor type
- Increased Stress Intensity Increased Neuroticism and Decreased Agreeableness
- Lower Perceived Control Increased Neuroticism and Decreased Conscientiousness
- Neuroticism appears to be an unsuitable dimension for competitive sport
Other Personality Factors in Exercise Research
- Sex-Role Orientation
- Type A Behavior Pattern
- Hardiness
- Self-Motivation
Sex Role Orientation and Exercise
- Masculinity M : Instrumental personality o Risk-taking, independent, aggressive, competitive
- Femininity F : Expressive personality
o Understanding, sympathetic, affectionate, compassionate
- Androgynous: Possesses high levels of both M and F
- Cross-gender activities are generally avoided by gender-typed individuals because of psychological discomfort
Type A Behavior Pattern and Exercise
- Coronary-prone personality
- Anger-hostility are important features for increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Exercise has been shown to be effective in reducing this behavior pattern as well as cardiovascular disease but results of studies are not uniform
Type A: Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, decreased adherence rates, increased effort, increased intensity, increased physiological activation, decreased RPE, increased stress responses, increased negative affective responses
Type B: Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, increased adherence rates, decreased effort, decreased intensity, decreased physiological activation, increased RPE, decreased stress responses, decreased negative affective responses exact opposite of Type A
Hardiness and Exercise
– Characteristics:
o Sense of control over events o Commitment, dedication, or involvement in everyday life o Tendency to perceive life events as opportunities
- Related to tendency to engage in more healthful behaviors, such as exercise
- Not clear if a hardy personality leads to exercise, or if exercise leads to a hardy personality could even be cyclical
Self-Motivation and Exercise
- Psychobiological Model: Both biological factors body composition, body mass and a psychological factor self-motivation
- Early predictions of model: o Percentage of body fat and body mass would be negatively related to exercise adherence
o Self-motivation would be positively related to adherence
- Subsequent research hasn’t supported the model very well
Practical Recommendations
- Individuals who seem to be more emotional-neurotic might be encouraged to begin a regular exercise program o “Exercise dose” should be the same as would be given to improve fitness and encourage weight loss
- Exercise programs should include some type of aerobic activity, since these activities influence personality factors