The human genome
- 000 – 30.000 genes
- Stored as DNA sequences within 23 chromosome pairs
- 2% of genes cause protein coding (98% do …?)
- 99% of genes similar between humans, 1% make us unique.
tehavioral genetics
- Interested in the influence of genes on psychological function.
- Genotype: Genetic structure
- Phenotype: Observable psychological function
- The probability of sharing a gene with someone.
Heritability (h^2) (Often misunderstood)
- Statistical definition: h^2 is the proportion of phenotypic variance attributable to genetic variance.
- Common sense definition: h^2 is the extent to which individual differences in observed behavior can be explained by genetic individual differences.
- Heritability = The proportion of phenotypic variance in a group of individuals that can be explained or accounted for by genetic variance.
- H = 20 20% = GV, 80% = Environmental
Selective breeding
- The process of selectively breeding plants and animals for specific traits.
Adoption studies
- A way to disentangle genetic and environmental sources of family resemblance.
- Issues:
- Representativeness: Are adopted children and their families representative of the general population?
- Selective placement: If adopted children are placed with adoptive parents who are similar to their birth parents, then this could blur the conclusions for adoption studies.
Twin studies
- Monozygotic (Share 100% of genetic material) – Dizygotic (On average share 50% of genetic material) – Issues:
- EBual environmental assumptions: The environments experienced by MZ twins are no more similar than the environments experienced by DZ twins.
(Overestimation of heritability if assumption is violated)
- Assortative mating: Mating pattern where individuals with similar genotypes and/or phenotypes mate more with one another more frequently than what would be expected under a random mating pattern.
Shared versus non-shared environments
- Shared: both siblings have a television in their house.
- Non-shared: Siblings are treated differently by parents and have different friends.
behavioral genetic research has findings in:
- Political Interests
- Smoking behavior
- Artistic, technical and cultural interests
Genotype-environment interaction
- Differential response of individuals with different genotypes in response to the same environment.
- Example: effect of noise on extraversion. – Passive/reactive