- Is relevant to determining whether the scores of a measure correspond to the number and nature of dimensions of theorised dimensions that underlie the construct of interest
- Researchers use a data technique known as factor analysis to help determine the number and nature of dimensions associated with the scores derived from a test
Factorial validity:
- Pertains to the internal structures of test scores
- A tests internal structure is the way that parts of the test are related to each other
- The actual (empirical) structure of the test should match the theoretical or intended structure of the test
- In a very simplistic sense, factorial validity helps specify what the test measures
- That is, with respect to the number of dimensions, and the definition of those dimensions
- The definitions of the dimensions are determined by which items ‘load’ onto which dimension
- To determine the number of dimensions that underlie an inventory, as well as their definitions, we (can) use a data analytic technique known as factor analysis o Helps us clarify the number of factors within a set of terms
o Helps us determine the which items are linked to which factor, which facilitates the interpretation of those factors
- Typically, when we attempt to measure an attribute, we try to do so in such a way that the score represents a single attribute
- g. based on six item questions (3 on social interaction, 3 on intellect), if the total was calculated, what would that composite score mean?
- It would be a compromised score, because the items do not all measure the same dimension
- We try to avoid these situations, want composite scores that are ‘factor pure’
- Generally, three types of tests:
- Unidimensional test o Consists of items which all measure one, single factor
- Multidimensional test (uncorrelated)
o Consists of items which measure two or more dimensions which are unrelated to each other
- Multidimensional test (correlated) o Consists of items which measure two or more dimensions which are correlated with each other (positively or negatively)
Unidimensional tests:
- Include items that reflect only a single attribute
- The items are not affected by other attributes
- Consider a multi choice exam, students get one score on the final exam (presumes the test is also Unidimensional/justifiable to yield one score)
Multidimensional test:
- This is a model of a correlated multidimensional test
- Each item is linked to one attribute only, but there are there are two distinct attributes which are correlated with each other
- This is a model of an uncorrelated multidimensional test, each items is linked to one attribute only.
o There is no link between the two dimensions
Implications of factorial validity:
- Test dimensionality has implications for the scoring:
o Scoring o Evaluation and o Use of the test scores
- Multidimensional tests with correlated dimensions can produce a variety of scores
o Subtest score – based on the items of a single dimension o Area score- based on the items of a single dimension o Total score – used in higher order composite scores
The psychological meaning of dimensions:
- After the number of dimensions have been determined
- And the associations between the dimensions have been determined
- It is now time to understand the psychological meaning of each test dimension
- This is accomplished by evaluating which items load onto each respective dimension
Inter item correlations (hypothetical):
- Furthermore, it appears that the two dimensions are not correlated with each other
- This is an eye-ball approach to conducting a factor analysis
- In practice, it is not especially useful because o There are usually a lot more than six variables included in a factor analysis o The pattern of correlation is not usually as clear cut as those in the above table
Conducting a principle component analysis (PCA):
- Note a PCA is almost equivalent to a factor analysis
- Conduct a PCA twice:
o rnce to determine the number of components (factors) to extract o Then again based on the number of components that you want extracted
- Find the break in the scree plot, this separation is obvious to how many dimensions are in the data o Scree plot consists of the eigenvalues ordered from smallest to largest in a scatter plot
o Eigenvalues are essentially numerical representations of components with respect to their size.
- Now that I know how many components to extract from analysis, rerun with the specification of two components.
- Represent the percentage of variance associated with a particular variable that was included in the analysis
- Generally, want to see communalities that or at least .04 or .09 (depending on the type of data being analysed:
- .04 or greater for items
- .09 or greater for subscales
Component landings:
- Are useful when greater than either .20 or .30
- .20 for items
- .30 for subscales
- Hence the minimum expectation of a communality of either .04 or .09 o Communality = sum of the squared component landings
Simple structure:
- The degree to which an item (or scale or any variable included in the analysis) is associated with only one substantial loading on a single dimension (i.e. component) and negligible loadings on the remaining dimensions
- rne way to achieve simple structure is to rotate the solution, should always be done
- You can only rotate a solution if you extract two or more components
Component correlations:
- The correlation between the two components is equal to zero
- They are two totally separate dimensions with no overlap
- You cannot predict how high someone might score on openness to experience if you know how high they were on extraversion
Sample size requirements:
- There are no simple guidelines to follow, because the size of the sample required will be dependent upon two main factors o The amount of communality associated with the variables (higher communality means less sample size required)
o The number of variables per factor (higher number of variables per factor means less sample size required)