- Defined- the education of elations and correlates o The ability to detect patterns in stimuli
- It’s what person does when they don’t know what to do
- The ability to purposely adapt to, shape and select novel environments using cognitive processes
- Different to expertise- practicing problems
Individual differences in memory:
- The most basic cognitive ability test is a short-term memory test o g. digit span forward (repeat the following digits in the order presented) o About 90% of people can remember somewhere between 5 and 8 digits o Has a correlation (r =.35) with a GPA o Correlates with years of education complete (.44)
Digit span and practice:
- A person’s digit span can be enhanced very substantially through practice/training
- A key element of the definition of intelligence is ‘novel’ problem or environments (practice makes the intelligence test invalid)
- The rate at which can improve their digit span through practice would be expected to correlate positively with their level of intelligence
Digit span backward:
- Made as a better indicator of intelligence
- Participants to recall the digits in the reverse order with which they were presented
- R=.35 with GPA
Working memory capacity (WMC):
- The ability to maintain two or more pieces of info in consciousness simultaneously and manipulate that information in a very basic manner
- Some have argued WMC is a fundamental basis of intelligence, not the case
Fluid intelligence:
- Core component of intelligence
- Represents the ability to perceive complex relationships, develop aids to learning, reason, abstract and solve novel problems in which a cultural context is not needed
- Spearman originally defined intelligence as the ‘education of relations and correlates’
- Raven’s progressive matrices is consider the most common measure of non-verbal fluid intelligence o Fill in the missing shape
o Reliability estimate of internal consistency greater than .80 (lots of items) o Good predictive validity (e.g. academic achievement, career success) o Is not a pure measure of intelligence, but fluid intelligence
Processing speed:
- The notion that more intelligent people are quicker at processing speed has a long history
- Two common methods used to measure individual differences o Reaction time o Inspection time
Reaction time:
- The time in milliseconds it takes an individual to respond cognitively to a stimulus
- Very simple version:
- Places finger on a button, looks at screen
- Remove finger from button when a dot appears on a computer screen o Time between presentation and removal represents reaction time o Known as simple reaction time
- Choice reaction time:
- Choose two alternatives presented
- Two words presented, participant decides whether they are synonyms or antonyms by pressing the left or right button
- Speed at which the button is pressed is the choice reaction time
- Movement time:
- Must distinguish between reaction time and movement time o Reaction time is cognitive process (taking a finger off the button is the time measured, pressing a button is movement time)
- Many researchers fail to distinguish reaction time from movement time
- Simple reaction time correlated with intelligence at -.30
- Choice reaction time correlated with intelligence at -.50
Inspection time:
- Basic visual stimulus is presented on a computer screen
- ‘flash mask’ is the presented for 300-500msec
- Correlates with intelligence around .50
Processing speed:
- Clinician’s do not use reaction time and inspection time as a measure of processing speed
- Use tests such as Coding or trials A and B
Crystallised intelligence:
- Represents an individuals acquired knowledge, not culture free
o Knowledge of world facts o Vocabulary size
- Many people believe that crystallised intelligence should not be considered important, as it would be influenced by opportunity
- However a very good indicator of intellectual functioning
- Highly heritable
Crystallised intelligence- heritability:
- Researchers have tested twins vocabulary size
- Monozygotic twins (100% genes) and dizygotic (50% genes shared)
- Monozygotic twins vocabulary (r=.79)
- Dizygotic twins vocabulary (r=.25)
Positive manifold:
- People who have good memories, tend to have good reasoning skills, and good vocabularies, and good processing speed etc.
- General consensus that most cognitive abilities correlate positively with each other
- Not a perfect correlation, vary from .20 to .75
- rne of the first researchers was Charles Spearman o Theorised that the positive manifold arises because of a general factor of intelligence o Developed analytic techniques to test and estimate the general factor of intelligence
Nature/strength of g factor:
- Fluid intelligence is the strongest indicator of g (.93), second strongest is crystallised (.86)
- Processing speed is the weakest indicator (.52)
- The g factor accounts for up to 85% of the variability in test scores
- Lower-order factors (gf, gc, gsm, gs) account for much less of the variability in test scores, questioned whether it is justifiable to interpret them in applied contexts
Intelligence and age:
- Fluid intelligence peaks around 25 years
- Crystallised intelligence peaks at around 45 years
Self-report intelligence:
- Some researchers use self-report questionnaires to measure a person’s intelligence
- They know it won’t replace an IQ test, just want t know well people can rate their own intelligence
- g. self-reported questionnaire in university students:
- Internal consistency reliability .73
- PCA uncovered one dimension with positive loadings from all of the items (.35-.75) o The correlation between elf-report IQ and task based IQ was .30 o So 9% of the variance in task based iq WAS accounted for by the self-report questionnaire
Implications for personality:
- If self-report IQ has validity of only .30 as an indicator of “objective” IQ, should we expect the same validity for self-report personality and “objective” personality?
- “I’m the life of the party”
- …probably correlates with an objective test of life of the party at around .30 to .50.
- Intelligence researchers would never take seriously the notion of measuring of intelligence via self-report.
- It’s bizarre that personality researchers are satisfied with self-report.
Education assessment – Blooms taxonomy:
- Taxonomy for learning teaching and assessing
- Two overall dimensions:
- Knowledge
- Cognitive processing
Cognitive processing dimension model:
- The original model had evaluation at the top of the model, now revised to have creating at the top of the model