Priming- Unattended stimuli that is processed implicitly, unconsciously; activating particular associations in memory
Heuristics- mental shortcuts
Representativeness heuristic- Tendency to presume, sometimes despite contrary to odds, that someone or something belongs to a particular group if resembling (representing) a typical member (truck driver poetry example)
Confirmation bias- tendency to search for information that confirms one’s preconceptions (astrology); Particularly problematic- it preserves stereotypes and prejudice; counterfactual thinking
Illusory correlations-Perception of a relationship where none exists or perception of a stronger relationship than actually exists (due to illusory thinking) our search for order in random events
Regression toward the mean (average)- statistical tendency for extreme score or extreme behavior to return toward one’s average
Social Impressions- the study of how we form impression of and make inferences about other people; reflect your goals and needs; done quickly
What information do we use to form impressions of others?
- Appearance
- Halo effect: perception of one trait is influenced by the perception of another trait of that person or object (judging a cute person as more intelligent)
- Behavior
- Infer personality traits from certain behaviors (e.g. helping an old lady across the street)
- Nonverbal communication
- How people communicate, intentionally, or unintentionally, without words (facial expressions); Used to express emotion, convey attitudes, communicate personality traits, and facilitate or modify verbal communications; mirror neurons
- Environment
- Priming
Controlled vs. Automatic processing of information:
Reflective, deliberate, conscious
Info given from the person or environment is carefully considered in forming judgments concerning that person
Advantages: Make accurate conclusion by logic & not as influenced by certain biases
Disadvantages: Slow & can’t handle tons of info
Impulsive, effortless, and without our awareness
Emotional reactions
Unconscious thinking
Advantages: quick and efficient & many cases it more accurate than controlled processing (expertise- fireman and apartment study) & can use
info not provided by controlled processing (blind site)
Disadvantages: Inaccuracies due to speed (heuristics) & inaccuracies due to expectations (confirmation bias and illusory correlations) & Inaccuracies due to mood (mood effects)
Kelley’s (1967) Theory of Attributions: How people decide whether to make an internal (dispositional) or an external (situational) attribution; requires multiple observations of behavior; systematically note the pattern between the presence (or absence) of possible causal factors and
whether or not the behavior occurs Focuses on:
Consensus (how everyone behaves towards the stimulus)
Distinctiveness (how person behaves in general)
Consistency (how that person behaves toward the stimulus over time and in different circumstances) Problems:
Portray people as systematic and logical
Neglect self-serving motives and by biases in reasoning
Fundamental Attribution Error- Tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences upon other’s behavior (often negative); Tendency for observers to overestimate situational influences and underestimate dispositional influences upon their own negative behavior (often negative; boss example)