We have heard of quite common techniques to help us manage with our daily constant demands – from drinking tea to engaging in daily exercise. Though stress is universal to us all, the ways in which we cope with it can be as creative and individualistic as one can imagine.


Aside from the acclaimed techniques and strategies of stress reduction most are familiar with, there are plenty of underrated, and rather, uncommon approaches that are actually quite effective.


Since we are presently in that age of digital dependence, one underrated course of action to tackle stress is to participate in a “digital detox.” A “digital detox” is the act of completely removing oneself from the internet and associating social media where we like to lather ourselves in attention and presentation. Numerous studies in recent years have uncovered unsurprising consequences. Researchers have discovered a relationship between the use of cell phones and its usage for personal reasons such as social media. They argue that the stress is due to our urgency to constantly keep tabs on friends, people, relationships and our overall obsessed management over our virtual lives. Scientists have also approximated that many individuals spend upwards of 16+ hours absorbing media. It is the same idea with people who occasionally participate in juice detoxes to be healthy. To be mentally healthy, it is crucial to take part in a social media cleanse.

The key to reducing stress is maintaining a balanced diet. It seems rather impractical and unrealistic to completely separate yourself from social media, but what can help is keeping track of how much time you invest into media. The idea is to remind yourself of the genuineness of experience.


Many of us are already aware that eating well means well. In other words, eating a combination of various healthy foods has an array of beneficial health outcomes. Most of us are already assuming that fruits and vegetables are what would improve our mental well-being, since they already do profound wonders for us physically.

Dark chocolate is a guilty pleasure that has been suggested to reduce stress levels. In 2009, researchers in Switzerland conducted a study where they analyzed the effects of eating a small amount of dark chocolate daily. They concluded that the participants who initially had high anxiety levels, had their stress hormone levels reduced.


On a more creative note, adult colouring books have become an underrated trend. Though the whole concept of adult colouring books may appear to be quite childish and dated, their (therapeutic) benefits are still applicable. Adult colouring books are adequately filled with pages of captivating scenery, geometric arrangements and elaborate designs, a far stretch from the simplistic pages of your childhood. Aside from its nostalgic value, these publications offer an artistic approach to relax, seek clarity, and even help you manage troublesome emotions.


Despite the lack of psychological research into the effects of colors, and perhaps, even the act of coloring, there seems to be some grounded merit.
Ben Michaelis, a Clinical Psychologist stated that upsets are typically due “to external pressures or internal fears of things that we cannot control”. He continued by saying that engaging in a delightful activity such as coloring allows you to shift to another activity that is not goal oriented. Therefore, your focus transfers to something more feasible and ultimately, you will experience less distress. He importantly adds that though colouring may not be the means to handle negative emotions directly, it serves as a positive form of relief from it.

Alternatively, simplicity is also beneficial. Not known to be a common method, looking at fractals for roughly 20 minute can help your mind fall to ease. Fractals are designs that are always symmetrical or identical every time they are repeated. There has been bountiful research on the effects of fractals and its association to the reduction of stress. Research states that people who view fractals such as images of snowflakes, ocean waves and mandalas had their stress reduced up to 60%. Though there is more knowledge to disclose, scientists believe it is related to a physiological quality within the eye itself. Additional research suggests that the designs in itself simply produces a relaxation effect.


As reiterated previously, though stress and its causes are universally accepted, it is more important to seek out your own healthy approaches to manage your own stress. Whether that is engaging in sports, yoga, treating yourself to spa treatments or even colouring, your individuality is just as specially unique and treasured as the approaches you use.


By: Monique